29 October 2018
Alisha finds Big Opportunities in Small Towns
For north Queensland born and bred, budding psychiatrist Alisha Thomson, moving to a capital city for work was never high on her wish list.
Fortunately for the James Cook University (JCU) medical
“There’s a very large perception that you have to do your specialist training in a major city, and it does depend on the college, but for
“I was a year and a half out of university when I got promoted to a principal house officer which is something that I don’t think occurs as frequently in big cities, whereas in Townsville and other regional areas you do get those opportunities earlier in your career.
“I am making an assumption, but usually in a big city you wouldn’t know the director of your service group, or if you did you probably wouldn’t be able to go and sit down in their office just to have a friendly chat.”
“In a big (metro) hospital you are a little fish in a big ocean. I don’t believe that that you would receive the same sort of
It’s also a level of support that
While this could have derailed her plans, she credits support from The Townsville Hospital with helping keep her career on track.
“I think I was off work for about 8 months, but I still kept in touch with the team. I kept them updated on the course of the illness. I couldn’t wait to get back to work, to doing something, but I wasn’t allowed to work with patients because of my compromised immune system.”
It was at this point that the hospital stepped in to assist.
“They actually made a position for me in mental health as a non-clinical registrar, and they let me pick the scope of the projects that I worked on.”
After her initial return,
“It’s generally a senior registrar position. I don’t believe it would have been as easy to get without having known the Director of Clinical Training and the hospital having known my work ethic, which only happens in a
Since returning to work fulltime, Alisha Thomson has combined her non-clinical mental health registrar position with the education registrar post. Soon she’ll return to her
Just as she is keen to pursue
“There are opportunities within the public sector to progress your career. Junior consultants can get academic or research portfolios. There are also opportunities within service groups to use initiative to drive change improving patient care but also the working lives of colleagues in the department. These opportunities can lead to early career progression.”
“People in regional areas are generally very approachable. For instance last weekend I was walking along the river and the Clinical Dean was going for his jog. We ended up having a half hour discussion as we walked about education at the Townsville Hospital.”
“I was late home.”
But it’s obvious from her laugh that she didn’t mind.
NQRTH is an initiative of the Australian Government's Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP) and is facilitated by James Cook University in partnership with public and private hospitals, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC), health services, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) and GP clinics.
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