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Doctors in Training
The junior doctor years in training are a crucial time in your medical career. You are consolidating and expanding your skillset and confidence while exploring your career and specialty training pathway options.
While traditionally the training pathway towards specialist training was metropolitan-centric, this is certainly not the case anymore. Major hospitals and health services across northern Queensland offer exciting opportunities for professional development to junior doctors.
Currently, there are around 300 junior doctor positions available in northern Queensland in hospital and health services (HHS) in Cairns, Mackay, Mount Isa and Townsville, and their surrounding regions.
NQRTH is here to help you as you consider employment options in resident medical officer positions.
Application Process
Queensland Health holds an annual recruitment campaign for roles at hospitals and heath services across the state in the following positions:
- Junior House Officer (JHO) - 2nd post-graduate year.
- Senior House Officer (SHO) - 3rd post-graduate year.
- Principal House Officer (PHO) – 4th year and beyond post-graduate year
- Registrars and trainees
Like the state’s intern recruitment process, applications for Resident Medical Officers are conducted through a centralised e-recruitment system.
- Complete all steps of the online form and submit before the closing date
Upload mandatory documentation:- Medical degree, MBA Registration, resume, VPDs, proof of identification
- IMGs/OTDs will need to supply visa documentation, VEVO entitlements check, AMC MCQ or AMC cert if applicable
- Check and update any documents that were pre-populated from last year’s application (if applicable)
- Nominate 2 referees
- Nominate up to 5 preferences on the application form (location and positions)
- Available position search on the Queensland Health website
- Check for additional application requirements
- Contact individual hospital(s) regarding:
- Position information
- Selection processes
- Selection outcomes
A note on referees
You must include two referees when applying for a Queensland Health Resident Medical Officer position.
Facilities generally prefer Consultants as referees; however, we understand that this may not be possible. Referee report questions are based on your work experience. Some referees will not be able to respond if they have not directly observed you.
RMO and Registrar Recruitment 2024 Key Dates
2 June 2025 |
The RMO campaign accepts applications from candidates applying for positions as registrars, Principal House Officers, Senior House Officers and Junior House Officers |
30 June 2025 |
Applications close. All applications must be submitted online by the closing date. Queensland Health will not accept late submissions and does not hold multiple submission rounds. |
RMO Recruitment Hospital Locations
> For more information about the recruitment process, go to Queensland Health
Queensland Health training programs
- Queensland Basic Paediatric Training Network
- Queensland Cardiology Advanced Training Pathway
- Queensland General Medicine Advanced Training Network
- Queensland Intensive Care Training Pathway
- Queensland Infectious Diseases Advanced Training Network
- Queensland General Paediatric Advanced Training Network
- Queensland Basic Physician Training (Adult Medicine) Network
- Queensland Respiratory Medicine Advanced Training Pathway
- Queensland Anaesthetic Rotational Training Scheme (QARTS)
- Queensland Nephrology Advanced Training Pathway
- Queensland Palliative Medicine Advanced Training Pathway
- Queensland Pathology Training Programs
- Queensland Psychiatry Training Programs
- Queensland Public Health Medicine Training Program
- Queensland Haematology Advanced Training Pathway
- Queensland Endocrinology Advanced Training Program
- Rural Generalist Advanced Skills Training
- Queensland Radiation Oncology Advanced Training Network
- Queensland Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine Advanced Training Network
- Queensland Geriatric Medicine Advanced Training Pathway
- Queensland Gastroenterology Advanced Training Program
- Queensland Rheumatology Advanced Training Network
- Queensland Medical Oncology Advanced Training Network
Salary, allowances and overtime
Queensland Health provides attractive remuneration packages for medical practitioners.
Salary packages for medical officers may include base wages, as well as additional allowances.
Relocation Assistance
FNQ hospitals pay for relocation costs.
Queensland Health may offer relocation packages for interstate and overseas candidates thinking of making the move to Queensland.
Relocation packages are offered at the discretion of each of HHS and negotiations should be undertaken directly with the employing Queensland Health facility or HHS at the time of the job offer.
Related policies
Resident Medical Officers and Senior Medical Officers - HR Policy D4 - Transfer and Appointment Expenses outlines the entitlements for transfer and appointment expenses for the nominated Queensland Health employees, including RMOs.
Lifestyle as a medical officer in northern Queensland
Come for the training opportunities and stay for the lifestyle that beautiful northern Queensland offers. The relaxed lifestyle and natural beauty right on your doorstep is a major drawcard for the medical officers in our regions.
Outside the hospital, you’ll have the opportunity for plenty of adventures. From the idyllic Whitsundays Islands and reef of the far north to the rugged outback in the north west, you’ll discover just how beautiful northern Queensland truly is.
Explore our regions and the adventure and lifestyle on offer.
NQRTH is an initiative of the Australian Government's Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP) and is facilitated by James Cook University in partnership with public and private hospitals, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC), health services, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) and GP clinics.
Cairns region
(07) 4226 8187
Central West region
(07) 4764 1547
Mackay region
(07) 4885 7122
North West region
(07) 4764 1547
Torres and Cape region
(07) 4095 6103
Townsville region
(07) 4781 3424